Today’s students are tomorrow’s leaders. Students enjoy special IEEE and SPS membership discounts. Graduate and undergraduate students are eligible.
IEEE Student membership is just 1$ per year.
If you are a Student and you have never been an SPS member before join immediately.
Want to form a SPS Student Branch Chapter? It’s easier than you think:
- Locate a Student Branch Chapter
Creation of a SPS Student Branch Chapter requires:
- An IEEE Student Branch is required to establish a SPS Student Branch Chapter.
- Signatures of at least six (6) IEEE Student Branch members, who are members of SPS.
- A Faculty Advisor, who is also a member of IEEE and SPS.
- The name and address of the Student Branch Chapter organizer (who will serve as interim Chair pending the election of a regular Chair at a later organization meeting).
- Completed and approved petition.
More information on petitions can be found here.